Today, presents a new playthrough video by eight-string guitarist Zac Tiessen.
The song, "Infinity," is available through iTunes and Tiessen's Bandcamp page.
“Infinity” demonstrates a variety of different techniques. Inspired by the slapping and finger style of bassist Victor Wooten and the taut double-thumping of bassist Evan Brewer, “Infinity” can't help but explore some of the more bass-like characteristics of Tiessen's trademark eight-string style.
The video, which you can check out below, also features Aristides Instruments' new 080 model guitar, which was released at Musikmesse earlier this year. It's the first official video to feature the instrument. Like other guitars made by Aristides, the 080 is made of arium, a new material designed by Poort Artistides and Delft University in the Netherlands.
For more about Tiessen, visit