Band Help! Insight and Tips that Breed Band Success — Part 1: Refined Focus By Dan Sugarman published 27 January 12
Training the Mind: An Inspirational Declaration of Dedication By Dan Sugarman published 17 October 11
Cerebral Upheaval with Dan Sugarman of As Blood Runs Black - Life on the Road: Removing the Veil By Dan Sugarman published 1 September 11
As Blood Runs Black Guitarist Dan Sugarman on Optimizing Your Practice Time, Part 2 By Dan Sugarman published 8 July 11 As Blood Runs Black and Fallen Figure guitarist Dan Sugarman continues his course on optimizing your practice time for maximum effect.
Cerebral Upheaval: As Blood Runs Black Guitarist Dan Sugarman on Optimizing Your Practice Time, Part 1 By Dan Sugarman published 29 June 11 As Blood Runs Black and Fallen Figure guitarist Dan Sugarman explains how to best make use of your practice time, and provides some helpful do's and don'ts for aspiring shredders.