Dimebag Darrell: how to bust out of a rut By Dimebag Darrell published 20 August 19 In this classic GW lesson, Pantera's six-string legend shows you how to break out of even the worst spells of writer's block.
Dimebag Darrell on Harmonic Screams By Dimebag Darrell published 1 November 18 In this classic GW lesson, Dimebag teaches you how to do "harmonic squeals," like the ones at the end of Pantera's "Cemetery Gates."
Riffer Madness: Dimebag Darrell on Harmonics By Dimebag Darrell published 21 September 18 Dimebag Darrell talks harmonics: "How to get 'em, where you can find 'em and what you can do with 'em."
Dimebag Darrell Lesson: A Vulgar Display of Power Chords By Dimebag Darrell published 20 August 18 Dimebag Darrell dishes on some tricky-sounding diads in this classic GW lesson.
Riffer Madness: Dimebag Darrell on Syncopated Rhythms, Part 1 By Dimebag Darrell published 15 September 14
Dimebag Darrell: Knock-Out Riffs By Dimebag Darrell published 14 June 11 In this classic entry from his "Riffer Madness" column, Dimebag Darrell dissects what gives a riff that extra "punch"