Here’s a video that’s recently caused an uproar around the internet, especially among musicians.
Watch as New York City musician Andrew Kalleen is arrested for busking in the NYC Subway.
According to section 1050.6(c) of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s rules of conduct, “artistic performances, including the acceptance of donations” are permitted. Even after reading this section aloud, the officer tells Kalleen that he needs to leave “by force, or you’re gonna go out on your own.”
Kalleen is eventually ejected from the subway system by a group of officers while singing Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young’s 1970 protest song, “Ohio.”
The video has received more than 1.2 million views since being uploaded October 18. What are your thoughts? Tell us in the comments below or on Facebook.
BTW: Kalleen is a member of the Brooklyn-based band Lawrence & Leigh. Check out one of their videos at the bottom of this story.
As a side note, why do people shoot vertical videos?