Metal Evolution’s "Lost" Extreme Metal Episode: How to Make It Happen

Greetings from Banger HQ!

This is Sam Dunn, one of the directors at Banger Films and the host of the series Metal Evolution, an 11-part series on the history of heavy metal and hard rock that recently aired on VH1 Classic and is airing on networks around the world. First off, I want to thank everyone that watched the series and bought the DVD. You guys helped push the series into the #1 spot on VH1 Classic and MuchMore in Canada! Horns up to all of you…

I want to let you all know about a new project we’ve launched at Banger: An IndieGoGo campaign to raise money to create Metal Evolution’s “Lost Episode”: Extreme Metal. When we started the series back in 2009, we wanted to do an episode that chronicled the history of metal’s most extreme offshoot, and feature pioneering bands like Bathory, Possessed, Death, Carcass, Entombed etc., but some of the networks considered this style too “extreme” for their viewers. So we’ve launched a campaign to raise the $175,000 we need to research, write, travel, film, edit etc. this episode.

Extreme Metal is vitally important to metal’s evolution – it continues to push metal to the edge in sound, lyrics and artwork. It’s not an obscurity – it’s metal’s motor of innovation. And so we’re appealing to metal and rock fans around the world to chip in what you can to make this episode a reality.

So please check out and check out the killer perks we’re offering!