For a guitar-playing Avenged Sevenfold fan, there's surely no greater experience than having Synyster Gates and Johnny Christ personally deliver a signed guitar to your house. And that's exactly what happened to one lucky A7X fan recently, when the pair of Orange County rockers delivered his new black-and-gold Schecter Synyster Custom-S directly to his front door.
In a new video on Johnny Christ's Drinks With Johnny YouTube channel, the pair can be seen approaching the fan's house – which according to Gates is “just around the corner” from where they live – set to a feelgood instrumental of Guns N' Roses' Paradise City.
The young fan proves his, erm, fandom when he answers the door wearing an Avenged Sevenfold T-shirt, and is visibly taken aback by the presence of the world-renowned rockstars on his doorstep. Check out the footage below.
It's been over five years since Avenged Sevenfold's latest album The Stage, but it looks like fans might get a taste of some new music in 2022.
In an interview with Metal Hammer earlier this month, frontman M. Shadows explained that the band have mostly finished recording their eighth full-length, but due to the nature of continuing Covid restrictions, haven't been able to put on the finishing touches.
“In January, we're going in to finish the strings on the record,” he said. “The record's been recorded for a year, but we haven't been able to put the real strings on it, because we couldn't fly out to Prague [where Covid restrictions are less strict].
“When an orchestra have to social distance and they aren't sitting next to each other, they can get out of tune, and we have just finally got to a place where we can use this 70-piece orchestra as we intended. We finish the record in February, mix it in March.”
And in other Avenged Sevenfold news, the band recently announced the Deathbats Club, a community which gives fans who hold one of 10,000 NFTs access to a host of perks, including free concert tickets for life, guitar lessons with Synyster Gates and even a round of golf with M. Shadows.