In October 2012, Batman came through Chicago Music Exchange to demo the Bolin Joker guitar.
His bizarre visit is remembered by CME staff as a whirlwind of terror and hilarity.
This year, Batman and Robin joined forces to bring miracles and mischief back to Chicago Music Exchange, as you can see in the pretty-damn-decent video below.
Watch Robin earn himself a spot on the CME team while poor Batman struggles to find his place. From helping out around the store and lending a hand in the repair shop, Robin shows us the path of a true hero.
We particularly love the dynamic duo's ongoing cover of Thin Lizzy's "The Boys Are Back in Town" and Batman's awesome yet error-filled gear demos.
BTW, that's Joel Bauman as Batman and Andrew Wittler as Robin.
Give this one a chance to develop, folks. It's pretty good!