Guitarist Troy Grady hosts a web series called "Cracking the Code."
In each episode, he breaks down a phrase — or something awesome that he has learned or figured out — and then explains it in a detail-packed way that includes an information- and graphics-packed video.
Back in August, we shared Episode 1 of the second season of "Cracking the Code." It's an Yngwie Malmsteen-related lesson called "Get Down for the Upstroke," and you can watch it here.
Today we bring you the long-awaited Episode 2, "Inside the Volcano"! This time, Grady lays down a set of rules that boils down the entire Yngwie picking technique to five points anyone can implement.
From Grady:
"Season 2 of 'Cracking the Code' launches a new chapter in the understanding of advanced picking technique. With the discovery of downward pickslanting and its companion technique, chunking, a window opens on a world of speed and clarity we've only dreamed was possible.
"Over the course of the first two episodes of Season 2, we'll discover the power of Yngwie's fascinating and genre-defining asymmetrical approach to picking and come to understand the vast importance of downward pickslanting as a cornerstone of some of the greatest techniques in guitar history."
So yes — get ready to learn about pickslanting, chunking and lots more in the new video below (posted October 16)!
For more about Troy Grady and his instructional videos, visit and