“The first thing the guitar sees is the SM Fuzz (gray pedal near lower right corner), which is my own signature fuzz pedal, then the Vemuram Jan Ray overdrive. After that we’re into the first GigRig switcher, which has the Hudson Electronics Broadcast preamp, Donner Mini Dynamic Wah, Nobels ODR-1 overdrive and the Dawner Prince Pulse for amazing Leslie sounds. There’s also an old Fulltone Clyde Standard wah.
“Then there’s the second GigRig switcher, which has the Origin Cali76 compressor, Blackout Effectors Cadavernous Reverb, Jam Pedals Delay Llama (which I set to slapback) and the Strymon Flint tremolo. From there I go into the Lehle volume pedal, which is placed after the drives and compressor so I can use it for swells and pedal-steel-type stuff.