In this brand-new video, former Guitar World cover star Orianthi plays and discusses a Fretlight guitar.
In fact, the Australian guitarist is Fretlight's latest endorsee.
From the company:
Learning to play the guitar has been frustrating and difficult for decades. Traditional methodology forces you to look back and forth from charts and books. You have to try to memorize the fingering patterns on the paper in front of you and then translate those patterns to a blank fretboard. No wonder 80 percent of first-time players quit!
Fretlight eliminates this frustration by letting you see that same finger placement information for chords, scales, songs, riffs and tablature light up on the fretboard where you need to see it most–right under your fingers! No more guesswork, no more frustration of spending hours to play a simple riff. With the Fretlight built-in LED learning system, you can get started in minutes.
Think about like this: Look down at the keyboard of your computer. Where did they put the letters and numbers? On a piece of paper to the side of a keyboard with blank keys? No. They put those letters and numbers exactly where you need them: on the keys.
Whether you want to play easy songs, complex scales or anything in-between, the Fretlight guitar is the key for you to unlock that desire of playing guitar or getting better. It’s so simple, it works.
For more information on Fretlight, visit For more about Orianthi, visit