The 20 greatest slap bass songs of all time

 Portrait of Danish musician Ida Nielsen. Mark King, lead singer and bassist of the band Level 42. Photo of Victor WOOTEN. American Jazz composer and bassist Marcus Miller
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Slap bass has come a long way since Larry Graham first championed the style in the 1970s. Graham has said that he was simply trying to create a drum-like sound to flesh out the rhythm in the then drummerless Family Stone.

In the hands of the bass players you're about to read about, it has truly become a worthy addition to the electric bassist's technical arsenal. 

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Nick Wells

Nick Wells was the Editor of Bass Guitar magazine from 2009 to 2011, before making strides into the world of Artist Relations with Sheldon Dingwall and Dingwall Guitars. He's also the producer of bass-centric documentaries, Walking the Changes and Beneath the Bassline, as well as Production Manager and Artist Liaison for ScottsBassLessons. In his free time, you'll find him jumping around his bedroom to Kool & The Gang while hammering the life out of his P-Bass.