“Powerful sound and exceptional connectivity”: Orange's new Pyramid Audio System is a “revolutionary” new speaker setup that promises to solve a glaring problem with modern sound systems

The Orange Pyramid audio system
(Image credit: Orange Amplification)

Orange Amplification has just announced the Pyramid Audio System. Promised to deliver “powerful sound and exceptional connectivity”, the compact hi-fi system is the first of its kind for the British guitar amp brand.  

The Bluetooth 5.0-enabled Pyramid amplifier comes with a special wave-balanced “analog sound spectrum” and a warm, clean sound designed to limit listener fatigue,  a problem encountered with many modern sound systems.   

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Janelle Borg

Janelle is a staff writer at GuitarWorld.com. After a long stint in classical music, Janelle discovered the joys of playing guitar in dingy venues at the age of 13 and has never looked back. Janelle has written extensively about the intersection of music and technology, and how this is shaping the future of the music industry. She also had the pleasure of interviewing Dream Wife, K.Flay, Yīn Yīn, and Black Honey, among others. When she's not writing, you'll find her creating layers of delicious audio lasagna with her art-rock/psych-punk band ĠENN.