In the fall of 2014, premiered a new performance video by the Commander-in-Chief, a Norwegian seven-string guitarist who lives in the U.K.
The video was a performance clip of Niccolo Paganini's Caprice No. 24 in A minor, as played by the Commander-in-Chief and classical guitarist Craig Ogden.
Earlier this month, the Commander-in-Chief visited Guitar World's basement studio to shoot several videos. Among them is a new "Betcha Can't Play This" clip based on Paganini's Caprice No. 24, which the CIC arranged—herself—for seven-string guitar.
You can check out the video—and the transcription—below. Tell us how you do!
Caprice No. 24 can be found on the Commander-in-Chief's new album, 2 Guitars: The Classical Crossover Album, which she recorded with Ogden. In past months, has premiered several songs (and videos) from 2 Guitars, including "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso,""Por una Cabeza," and an original song, "Let It Go."
For more information on the album and the Commander-in-Chief, visit
Commander-in-Chief: Betcha Can't Play This, Caprice No. 24